The changing landscape of human and zoonotic malaria
in Southeast Asia
The overall objective of the research program is to gain a deeper understanding of the complex factors that contribute to the ongoing heterogeneity of malaria epidemiology in SEA countries. This involves examining the interactions between risk populations, human and non-human malaria parasites, and mosquito vectors to identify the driving factors behind the persistence and spread of malaria in different countries. The following issues are relevant to the efforts to control and eliminate malaria in Thailand and Malaysia. Furthermore, they are aligned with the focus areas of this call for proposal.
Our Research Focus
This ICEMR program emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches, and the two projects converge to dissect the complex interactions between migrant human populations, diverse mosquito vectors, major human malaria parasites, and the emerging zoonotic malaria parasite P. knowlesi, which together are responsible for continued malaria transmission along international borders in the SEA. The new program builds on the scientific achievements of the current ICEMR program, which fostered strong international collaborations among scientists from the United States and the SEA countries. This collaborative team with expertise in epidemiology, disease ecology, vector biology and control, parasite genomics, and population biology is now prepared to address the most challenging issue of “border malaria” and a better understanding of complex malaria including the emerging threat of zoonotic malaria using systems approaches and innovative technologies.
Participate in Our Research Studies
Collaboration with Partners
Engaging with Leading Institutions
Our collaborations extend to renowned universities, public health agencies, and global health initiatives. Together, we aim to drive impactful changes in malaria research and control.
Visiting Hours
Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
Center of Excellence for Biomedical and Public Health Informatics (BIOPHICS)
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University
3rd - 4th floor, The 60 Anniversary of His Majesty the King's Accession to the Throne Building
420/6 Ratchawithi Road, Ratchathewi
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Tel : +66(2) 354 9181- 6
Fax : +66(2) 354 9187
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